Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wasn't a very good weekend Kenny was upset all weekend Larry was yelled at a few times. Not by me. We just tried to stay clear and not upset the apple cart more than it already was. I'm so Thankful for my husband and appreciatitive for his view on life and he LOVES me. Kenny brought up a new tree to replace this tree that died over the winter so friday night we pulled out the old tree. It was a little tough to get out but Larry and Kenny done so good getting it out.
After the guys had dug around the base of the tree Gizmo wanted to play in the dirt so bad.

He couldn't stand it any longer and in he went. He is so funny and cute.

We put a cable around the root of the tree and Larry pulled it out little tugs at a time.

Gidget and Gizmo in the hole Gidget would bark and Gizmo would dig faster. He was so dirty. Kenny doesn't like them to get dirty, but Penny and I sat and watched them have a grand old time. Penny did have to give Gizmo a bath he was so dirty...The joys of KIDS.

Dirty boy Gizmo and our KIDS looking out the window.

We was fishing in Wyoming in a hole we like to fish at. When we got there Mick and Mark McGarth was in there fishing. They had caught a bunch and said they was heading in to watch TV. I caught a few fish and we let them go. Then my pole took off and bent so bad. I was at the front of the boat and that fish went to the back on the other side of the boat wrapped around the anker. Larry and I was trying to untwist the line, got that done and it went around the anker rope again Larry is yelling it is SO big and it broke the line and swam away. Larry was trying to help me get one of these smaller fish on my line. He said I had a nibble on my line but it's not there anymore. After getting my fish taken care of he went over to his pole and he had on this 3+ pound rainbow. I kept telling him it was my fish HE let get away. But after cleaning it there was another hook in him.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19,2010 Mori text me and said what is the Dr. name I work for. So I text her and told her NOT thinking a thing of her asking. Except WHY? She said: Adam and I was talking and didn't know the first name of your Dr. She would call me all day and talk what time are you leaving work? Larry called me around 4 p.m. and said Penny McGarth was in the hospital so I was finishing my work and going to leave to take a plant to Granma Penny. When I looked out the window and seen a Edible Arrangement van out front. Thinking they was pulled over on Redwood Rd. I thought oh that would be so fun to get. When in the door came a boy asking for ME..... It was from the Milne family so fun and excited I ran to the back to show the girls I work with. I left and called Mori to THANK them this is a really big treat. I wished it lasted all year everyday. I'm so spoiled they are so thoughtful. Love you all Mom.
Isn't this so PRETTY and fun........

My daughter says you have to take a lot of pictures of one thing to have a good picture. The top the sides and every angle.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010